понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


Here are a few starters:. If your browser becomes unresponsive you might even need to restart it , reduce the number of earthquakes selected in IEB and try again. Something like this would make a very nice interface to the protein data bank.. Older computers and browsers are more prone to this limitation. Hey this is pretty impressive - for a web browser. Does this have a function? Drag with the mouse or finger to rotate. canvasmol

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Looks pretty cool, although it makes my N cpu y.


What makes you sure it's not the painting code or the performance of the canvas APIs themselves that are causing issue? This project began in as a copy of the cool, molecule-viewing webapp called CanvasMolwith the gracious permission of the author.

The number of earthquakes you view is critical to the performance of rotation and zooming. About 3D viewers as web page plugins are often difficult to use. Tips Start with smaller numbers of earthquakes, such asand work up.

Dióxido de circonio

Then Jmol arrived and instead of having to install a proprietary browser plugin, we could wait 30 seconds for the Cznvasmol to load. We wanted a simpler solutiona way to rotate and zoom in on sets of earthquakes which would be both easy to use and lack the complexity canvvasmol security issues of the plugin approach.

The View menu lets you do things like: On mobile devices the performance will be quite a bit slower.

canvasoml Drag with the mouse or finger to rotate. Fewer earthquakes, under maybeis best for mobile use. Now with chromeit's faster, but I found some strange behaviour when closing windows, as it makes some of the other windows jump to a different position.

How to Rotate Thousands of Earthquakes in 3D in Your Browser - IRIS 3DV

Periodic table shows colors of elements I used ones from Jmol. Movies Over time we will build a gallery of various movies either made by ourselves or submitted by users.

If you drag the with mouse and do not see immediate rotation, then release the mouse and wait a bit, then consider dismissing that cavnasmol and starting again cangasmol fewer earthquakes.

Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit. When you get into thousands of atoms, performance is unsatisfactory, it's pushing browsers to limits. Many require Flash or Java in the browser, which is problematic in several ways.

Here are a few starters:. Hey this is pretty impressive - for a web browser. It gets a little bogged down when you have 3 molecule windows open, but I'm only using firefox. Turn shading off if things are slow.

3DV Earthquake Viewer

Chrome is much better, though interestingly for the most complex molecules new Opera is the fastest. No exports yet, though in Firefox you can save any canvas element as PNG just by right clicking on it.


Tablets generally work OK, but the smartphones tested were not very satisfying. It's sad that 10 years ago? Here are a few starters: Thanks for the suggestion, I just added quick and dirty permalinks.


I initially tested with konqueror. Savvy computer users will notice that a 3DV URL contains parameters such as lats; lons; ranges of time, depth, magnitude, etc which can be changed by directly editing them.

Feel free to experiment, but this method of invoking 3DV is not well-tested at this time.

What is the point of the periodic table window? Now canvasnol just need some more 3D acceleration for Canvas and we can eliminate that wait as well. If your browser becomes unresponsive you might even need to restart itreduce the number of earthquakes selected in IEB and try again.

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