суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following license: The current BSP October is based on the 2. If the ELDK has been configured according to the instructions the cross compilation toolchain is ready to compile the kernel. Notify me of new posts via email. eldk iso

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You can either execute the following command every time you open a new shell. You can repeat the same procedure fort he root user as well. I have iiso arm If the ELDK has been configured according to the instructions the cross compilation toolchain is ready to compile the kernel. You are commenting using your Google account.

Embedded module TQMP1020 - Linux BSP documentation

Install the git source code management system. Hamdi May 23, at 3: Now every time open a shell either as a normal user or a root user the PATH variable will be set automatically.

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After a successful run of the install skript you need to make the ELDK rootfs able to boot. This site uses cookies.

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You can find the patches on the TQ product page. Notify me of new posts via email. Notify me of new comments via sldk. Before running the installation you have to create a direcotry for the installation.

Building for ARM

Posted by emreboy on December 18, in Linux. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here The base version of this source code you get from the Git server http: Depending on the configuration of the TFTP server it is e. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. TQ-Systems GmbH does not accept any liability for all further changes of the Board Support Package and for any damage resulting from its use.

Building for ARM - Egbert's Wiki

Table of Contents Build system. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Run the two skripts with sudo enabled. Fill in your details below or click an icon elkd log in: To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Or more practically you can add the following lines to bashrc file so that every time you open a new shell the variables are assigned automatically. I hear some of you ask why bother setting the PATH variable.

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CC Attribution-Share Alike 4. The current BSP October is based on the 2. Download the archive with the patches and unpack it e. Email required Address never made public.

How To Install ELDK Toolchain | Emreboy

You are commenting using your WordPress. Unpack the archive with the patches into a local folder e. Otherwise you will have to ieo it explicitly specifying its directory such as. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Download the basic version with git.

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